the gentleman review

The Gentleman: A Review

The Gentleman

If there’s one thing I have learned as a voracious consumer of speculative fiction, it’s that not every strange, narrative happening requires a thorough explanation. In fact, it’s rather nice to not overthink the whys of a fun fantasy, to just go with the flow and accept a novel’s events as they come along. In that respect — and indeed in most respects — Forrest Leo‘s The Gentleman makes for one of the most enjoyable reads I have laid eyes on since starting this website.

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The cover of Jillian Tamaki's Boundless, which features a person with long, dark hair pulling it up into a ponytail.

Boundless: A Review

BoundlessTo fans of Black Mirror, Jillian Tamaki‘s new graphic novel Boundless provides an earnest, but less foreboding, look at the ways in which technology and modern living can go awry. In each story, This One Summer co-author Tamaki draws from all-too-real anxieties about life in the social media age, mashing them up with a Kafkaesque sense of magical realism that leaves the reader feeling refreshed, instead of weighed down. Continue reading